Jorge Santiago
‘Identity At Play’
«I grew up in Guelatao de Juárez, a village of approximately 300 people in Oaxaca’s Sierra Norte. Guelatao is famous not only as the birthplace of Mexican president Benito Juárez, but also as the site of the annual Copa Benito Juárez, in which more than 200 teams of indigenous Zapotec, Mixe, and Chinantec players compete over a period of three days. Unlike in wider mestizo Mexico, where soccer reigns supreme, in the Sierra basketball is king. The sport was introduced in the 1930s by president Lazaro Cardenas as a way to bring Oaxaca’s disparate and historically rebellious indigenous groups into the national fold. Cardenas’ dream of a unified national identity didn’t take root in the Sierra, historically isolated and impoverished, but basketball soon became tied to the region’s most significant traditions, and to indigenous identity itself. Like many of my fellow villagers, I grew up idolizing the star players from my village and others, saving up money for basketball shoes, and spending most of my spare time on the basketball court which, as one of the few flat spaces in hilly and terraced Serrano villages, served not only as a site of play but also as a public gathering space. My documentary photography project explores the way in which basketball reinforces indigenous identity. Basketball tournaments are the central fixture of the annual village fiesta, the single most important event in a Serrano village. In the past, migrants would return from the United States for tournaments in their villages; now, with changes in U.S. border policy, they simply send money for trophies, slaughtered bulls, fireworks, uniforms, shoes, and prizes. During the fiesta, the basketball court is the fulcrum of activity: bulls are slaughtered there, bands play in massive group concerts, dances are held, and the names of the migrants sponsoring the fiesta are read aloud».
‘Primapersona’ is a biannual magazine that features unpublished autobiographical texts, whether they are memoirs or autobiographies, diaries or letters that are traces of life written by “ordinary people”. The magazine gives voice to the National Diary Archive of Pieve Santo Stefano in Italy, and moreover, to the general debate on the issues of autobiography.
In each issue, depending on the subject matter, are presented excerpts from these texts, from all periods of our recent history and from all regions of Italy. Their responses act as in an indirect dialogue with the study and theoretical reflections of those who, anthropologist or historian, sociologist and linguist, philosopher and writer, are convinced that writing is a gesture of inquiry. (to understand something more of ourselves).
Photography has an important role in this magazine. In each article, words torn from the diaries and autobiographical memories are accompanied by images in black and white. Photographs are carefully selected to dialogue with rather than interpret these words.
Urbanautica will take part in this new issue dedicated to Sports by suggesting a series of photographic projects that will be collected through an open call. In addition our editorial manager Steve Bisson will write a specific essay.
Submission have to bent sent to info@urbanautica.com. Deadline for submission March 7, 2013.
© Jorge Santiago